January 2025 - Kearney Combat Sports & Fitness

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January 2025 Blog

Happy New Year, KCS Family!

As we step into January, let’s take a moment to reflect on an incredible December and share some exciting updates and challenges for the month ahead.

Coach Garrett’s MMA Debut
We celebrated a major milestone as Coach Garret stepped into the cage for his amateur MMA debut earning fight of the night! A huge congratulations to him for his hard work and determination!

Delfino’s Pro Title Fight

Delfino Benitez was back in action, showcasing his skills in a professional title fight. Delfino's fight was one that will go down in history with a performance that could very well be the fight of the year!

Women’s Game Night and Potluck
We’re so grateful to all the women who joined us for a night of fun, food, and connection. Your participation made it an unforgettable event.

Global Grappling Day Fundraiser
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, we raised $1,165 for Tap Cancer Out during the Global Grappling Day fundraiser. A special thank-you to all the parents who donated baked goods for the bake sale and everyone who contributed to this meaningful cause.

January Announcements


 Coach Richard has really missed being a part of the adult jiu jitsu coaching staff the last few months and would love to get back in front of the members! SO he will be adding a new morning class to the KCS schedule starting January 14th and 16th at 6am-7am and he hopes to see you all there. This will be a Tues/Thurs repeating class. This class will be an ALL LEVELS CLA based jiu jitsu class. If you have any questions about the constraints led approach coaching method please reach out to Coach Richard with any questions.

We will also be adding another open mat on Sundays from 1pm-3pm starting Jan 18th so we can have access to training 7 days a week!

Saturday comp class will look a little different going forward. Starting Jan 18th there will no longer be Jiu Jitsu comp class, instead it will be an all levels MMA comp class from 10am-11:45am. Please talk with Coach Richard if you are unsure if you can attend this class. We will have an open mat on the main floor from 10am - 12pm in the meantime until our coaching staff can make plans for a Saturday jiu jitsu schedule.

Upcoming Events

Sub Spectrum Winter Trials & Future Stars (Youth and Adult)
February 1st: If you’re planning to compete, please talk with your coaches to create a game plan for preparation.

Click here to Register for Sub Spectrum Winter Trials (Adult)

Click here to register for Future Stars (Youth)

IBJJF Denver
May 10-11: Mark your calendars for this upcoming tournament.

Please complete IBJJF Membership and sign up under Triunfo BJJ before you register for the IBJJF Denver Tournament

Click here to sign up for IBJJF Membership

Jan & Feb Commit to 3 Challenge!!!

Starting Jan 13th - Feb 28th we want to challenge all our adult members to commit to attending at least 3 classes of your choice per week. We will be posting a board with our adult members names on it for everyone to see and will track your attendance for the challenge period. Who ever can make it to at least 3 classes per week will be recognized in a shout out on KCS social media, and the members with the most classes attended during the period will win a private session with a coach of your choice. (Plus who doesn't want the bragging rights for putting in the most work right?)

Upcoming Birthdays:

Ellie C. 1/08Nora O. 1/15
Eamon O. 1/16

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